
Since 2023, the IMO implemented a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions rating and control system for all merchant ships over 400 UMS with:

- CII (carbon intensity indicator): rating of ships with letters (A, B, C, D & E) based on their type, their consumption per mile and their load.

- EEXI (energy efficiency existing ship index): energy efficiency index resulting from a calculation based on their own characteristics, serving as a reference to determine CII.

The objectives set by the IMO are quickly staggered over time:

In 2025: a 30% reduction in GHGs (compared to 2008, reference year).

In 2030: 40% GHG reduction.

In 2040: 50% GHG reduction.

In 2050: 70% GHG reduction.


Since 2008 (reference year for CII & EEXI), world oil production has not increased, we are currently on the peak and the decrease is expected for 2025.

Following the COVID crisis in 2020, there is a global desire for decarbonization and the cost of a ton of crude oil continues to increase. The cost of VLSFO (very low sulfur fuel oil) doubled between June 2020 and today; it is currently on average at more than 650 € per ton.


The ECO mode device limits fuel consumption by increasing the speed of the vessel at constant power, which allows:

- to provide a competitive advantage on schedules.

- to limit the delay in case of unavailability of a main engine.

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